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Changi Dekat di Hati
Creative Design Content Development

Even if we can’t travel to Changi Airport because of the situation and travel restriction, we want to create a full memorable experience that can bring people closer to Changi Airport, by winning audience heart and encourage them to celebrate and remembering all the love and past good memories in Changi Airport.  Distance makes the heart grow fonder… No matter how far we are apart, it will give more reason to be always closer and always in your heart (Changi Dekat di Hati) So, We want to humanize Changi Airport by positioning changi as a long-distance friend. And as a friend, even we are far apart, we always communicate and sharing good news, to keep the long-distance friendship alive. We support each other to going through this situation together.

Even if we can’t travel to Changi Airport because of the situation and travel restriction, we want to create a full memorable experience that can bring people closer to Changi Airport, by winning audience heart and encourage them to celebrate and remembering all the love and past good memories in Changi Airport.  Distance makes the heart grow fonder… No matter how far we are apart, it will give more reason to be always closer and always in your heart (Changi Dekat di Hati) So, We want to humanize Changi Airport by positioning changi as a long-distance friend. And as a friend, even we are far apart, we always communicate and sharing good news, to keep the long-distance friendship alive. We support each other to going through this situation together.

Problem & Solutions

Enggak terasa sudah hampir dua tahun teman-teman Bounche Digital Agency bekerja dari rumah, dan lebih dari setahun pula Bounchers enggak bertatap muka serta bertegur sapa satu sama lain secara langsung di Thamrin Office Park AA05. Nah, mengawali tahun 2022, pada pekan lalu Bounche mengadakan acara offline untuk pertama kalinya (yap setelah WFO terakhir pada Maret 2020!) yakni Bounche Kick Off Meeting 2022: Blast From the Past.

Enggak terasa sudah hampir dua tahun teman-teman Bounche Digital Agency bekerja dari rumah, dan lebih dari setahun pula Bounchers enggak bertatap muka serta bertegur sapa satu sama lain secara langsung di Thamrin Office Park AA05. Nah, mengawali tahun 2022, pada pekan lalu Bounche mengadakan acara offline untuk pertama kalinya (yap setelah WFO terakhir pada Maret 2020!) yakni Bounche Kick Off Meeting 2022: Blast From the Past.

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